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Welcome to the SecureVote docs. Here you'll find details on our smart contracts, links to other documentation, and more. (It's a work in progress atm.)

Component Overviews / Operation


This is the normal BBFarm. Exists on the same chain as the Index. Holds all ballots using std voting as of Aug 2018. Ballots are created by the index only, though the ballot owner has limited control, e.g. deprecating the ballot, publishing the secret key, and choosing a new owner.

RemoteBBFarm and RemoteBBFarmProxy

This pair of BBFarms share the actions of a normal BBFarm.

RemoteBBFarmProxy holds the metadata about the ballot (specHash, start/end times, etc). It will revert or give you obvious garbage for things that are unsupported. (Obvious garbage being the number of votes from getDetails.) Additionally any ballot modification methods should be called here.

RemoteBBFarm holds the votes and is instantiated on a foreign network. It does not know about which ballots are valid and which are not, and so when scraping votes later you must use the getVoteAndTime method, not getVote. The reason is you must validate the timestamp of votes to ensure they were all cast in the allowed window. Essentially it is just a container for votes. getDetails works as expected here.

Ethereum Networks

Networks used are:


We maintain eth-stats instances for each group of nodes:

Explorer (PoA)

We have an instance of Etherchain Light running at for exploring that chain.

Smart Contracts


These are deployed to the same address across mainnet, SV PoA, kovan, ropsten, and classic.

Deployed Date Name Address
2018-08-10 BBLibV7 0x1f8c387ebd02240A1BcB6b2864087464F719aDf6
2018-06-xx StringLib 0x63Dbc2DA4FBA06Ea2Bdbba0551744c7595Cc8e2A
2018-06-xx Base32Lib 0x45a337efe2adb2617a3a5272c6c84a89ef56afcf
2018-06-xx MemArrApp 0xedd7ac11f2437de048882d4859ed30d871cc4324
2018-06-xx BBLib 0x0484c599E228e13bEFB61129888e8bD2b63A9619


(list of production SCs go here)

Deployed Date Network Name of SC Address Notes
2018-08-22 SV PoA RemoteBBFarm 0xebccfb6af3e030ca73e5f00f2cc77ef2a60a1887 .
2018-07-30 Mainnet BBFarmAux2 0x91f34190ffcd934115bb2bd04c29e89362989121 aux contract to make some BBFarm calls nicer
2018-07-xx Mainnet TokenAbbreviationLookup 0x216265865e46D4c6FE506877EfAAE7dd7Ae2faCE .
2018-06-xx Mainnet EnsOwnerPx 0xa00919a6c9e1c31be81d0203532bdb7724052b04 index.tokenvote.eth owner px
2018-06-xx Mainnet CommunityAuctionSimple 0x5A0E6Ff846C237E5E8f5AFd388B488292E1c8627 .
2018-06-xx Mainnet BBFarm 0xB105035C563Ed14C17f6BeaCe07F4659C823322a .
2018-06-xx Mainnet SVPayments 0xB9C0291cbbb67CF5368F4FAc5EaE9d8bB98f67bA .
2018-06-xx Mainnet SVIndexBackend 0x45250f268a3ef4adafc9275073d7fa126fb75101 .
2018-06-xx Mainnet SVIndex 0x04B710D1FC77C8e7002F539bB48feB560CB2892C .
2018-03-06 Mainnet SVDelegationV0101 0x4dD28be042F85e287E9AaCe4147152bf1CD835e9 deprecates SVDelegation contract
2018-02-28 Mainnet SVDelegation 0xd78d4beabfd3054390d10aeb4258dc2d867f5e17 deprecated as doesn't allow reverse lookup easily
2018-03-01 Mainnet SVLightIndex 0xa8a8509A17a5872d01e489fC85B152eb2A0C092E Early prototype of index, used for a few SWM ballots
2018-03-01 Mainnet SwarmVotingMVP 0x1e6b7d459AF96E916548D27B0e72ce17ccb7dB74 .
2018-03-01 Mainnet SwarmVotingMVP 0x6B649662dA40F10361F008b481143029296a69D6 Upgraded version, used for a few ballots
2017-10-29 Mainnet SwarmVotingMVP 0x2Bb10945E9f0C9483022dc473aB4951BC2a77d0f Initial MVP contract for Swarm

Testnet (TN1)

Deployed Date Network Name of SC Address
2018-08-10 Ropsten UnsafeEd25519SelfDelegation 0x2cdb6b361ecc7a834ce8a3a78556e70c3e74660e
2018-08-10 Ropsten RemoteBBFarm 0xc3d10af066bde2357c92bc4af25fb5f42e73f1a4
2018-08-10 Kovan RemoteBBFarmProxy 0xd3141c94d3beddbe1d280822ecc633b7c6a32464
2018-07-xx Kovan BBFarmAux2 0x8d9d49f602e1e95b8dca42af1766963c3e4f7565
2018-06-xx Kovan SVIndex 0xcad76eE606FB794dD1DA2c7E3C8663F648ba431d

Ballot Box Farms

Namespaces (Production)

Date Namespace (bytes4) BBFarmID Network Type Address Notes
2018-06-xx 0x00000001 0 Mainnet BBFarm 0xB105035C563Ed14C17f6BeaCe07F4659C823322a .
2018-08-23 0xF0F00001 1 SV PoA RemoteBBFarm 0xebccfb6af3e030ca73e5f00f2cc77ef2a60a1887 .
2018-08-24 0xF0F00001 1 Mainnet RemoteBBFarmProxy .. .

Namespaces (Testnet - TN1)

Date Namespace (bytes4) BBFarmID Network Type Address Notes
2018-08-10 0x03030001 1 Kovan RemoteBBFarmProxy 0xd3141c94d3beddbe1d280822ecc633b7c6a32464 .
2018-08-10 0x03030001 1 Ropsten RemoteBBFarm 0xc3d10af066bde2357c92bc4af25fb5f42e73f1a4 .
2018-06-xx 0x00000001 0 Kovan BBFarm 0x8384AD2bd15A80c15ccE6B5830a9324442853899 .